As a profession that can be defined as designing spaces, architecture is a way of thinking and living. Therefore, it requires constant learning, innovation, and personal discovery. It is very difficult to cultivate this approach within the bounds of a university system that is instructor centered, memorization based and inflexible. In order to cultivate the values of continuous learning, innovation, discovery and reflection, Nuh Naci Yazgan University envisions architecture as a synthesis of art and space; so places its architectural education within the Faculty of Fine Arts and Design. This approach distinguishes our program from others.
The relationship of architecture with arts and objective sciences paves the way for different schools of thought and practice and as a result architecture programs differ widely from University to University. Informed by current developments and urban demands, our Architecture program embraces a design based approach. Accordingly, our curriculum focuses on introducing equipment and software to students that help them develop their designing skills and raising their awareness about available resources. In addition, we emphasize the importance of analytical and critical thinking, research, innovation, and being a life-long learner.
As it was designed after critical assessment of architecture programs in Turkey and Europe, our program trains professionals that can comfortably compete with other architects, not just at local and national levels, but also internationally. Our graduates are instilled with our values of environmental and cultural awareness. They not only have high ethical standards but also feel personal responsibility and commitment towards environment, different cultures, and personal identities. So, we aim to train architects who can advance the society they are part of.